Using the Solve360 Database

How to Sync Contacts from Solve DataBase to Midwest Gmail:

To activate Google Contact sync, each Solve user clicks: Solve menu > Manage Contacts > Show All Contacts > Data > Synchronize contacts with Google, and follow the instructions to set their sync preferences.

Note: A best practice is to sync one-way from Solve to Google - especially for larger teams or larger data sets. This appoints Solve as your master database and streamlines management of your contacts - there’ll be no surprises as to where the updates originated. Use the settings as shown in the window below:

How to Sync Calendar & Tasks between Solve360 DB and Google Calendar:

Unlike traditional calendar feeds, this feature intelligently syncs event data between your Solve CRM and Google Calendar.

To activate Google Calendar & Task sync each Solve user clicks Solve menu > Report & Update Activities > Show Calendar events > Data > Synchronize events and tasks with Google, and follows the instructions to set their sync preferences.Note: A best practice is for each user to select only their own name when setting their Solve to Google sync preferences. This keeps events from being inadvertently displayed multiple times in Google as users view shared calendars. Solve manages this by offering the ability to filter events by user, instead of sharing different calendars.

Once the user has set-up their two-way calendar & task sync they’ll need to add or update at least one event in Solve. This will automatically create a special “Solve360” calendar in their Google account.

Events created or modified directly in Solve will automatically sync into a Google calendar named “Solve360” in near real-time. Events created or modified directly in the Google calendar named “Solve360” will sync into Solve when the “Update Solve” button is clicked in Google. Once synced, Google created events will use the attendees email address to intelligently link to a corresponding record in Solve.When first enabling the sync option please allow Solve CRM and Google up to 30 minutes to complete the initial data load in its entirety.

Joining Data Sets (a video tutorial with Jennifer Norton)

Jennifer demonstrated how to join data, which is needed when we want to add new data to a database, and link it to other data already in the data-base. More information will be added here about our processes/rules for joining data in Solve360. This tutorial requires Microsoft Access.