School Leads District in  Bullying Prevention Efforts

Post date: Oct 24, 2012 5:41:27 PM

Mt. Carmel Middle School, Wabash CUSD 348, is in their second year of PBIS implementation and reached Tier 1 fidelity in 2010-11 with a Benchmarks of Quality score of 87%. After participating in the Illinois PBIS Network’s Bully Prevention Forum in May 2011, they developed a school-wide Respect Campaign within their PBIS framework. In September 2011, staff and students were taught the STOP-WALK-TALK strategies and parents were informed of the process through the school newsletter and parent/teacher conferences. Since implementing the Respect Campaign, they have experienced a 34% decrease in office discipline referrals (ODRs) for bullying behaviors for August through November 2011 compared to the same period in 2010. Because of its success, the Respect Campaign is being applied in other Wabash CUSD 348 schools.


 Mt. Carmel Middle School Bullying Behavior ODR Trends