Family Plan for a Student with  Autism Enhanced by PBIS School Supports

Post date: Jun 14, 2013 7:39:24 PM

“Mac” and his family participated in the wraparound-based Focus Family process led by the Illinois Autism Training and Technical Assistance Project (IATTAP).  Family concerns included Mac’s behavior limiting family activities and Mac being at risk for placement in a more restrictive setting.  The family-centered planning identified family needs and goals and a family team was developed with an action plan focused on dreams, strengths, and challenges.  Family goals included: respite care, parents attending little sister’s ball games together, family outings, and better school/parent communication.  Through a collaborative ISTAC focus at the district level, communication and consistency between home and school was improved by individualizing the Tier 2 Check-in Check-out system.  The goals of improved school and family relationships and activities were met and Mac has had success in school, with his family, and in the community.