Commitment to Coaching Leads to Wraparound Success

Post date: Mar 25, 2014 9:12:3 PM

Evidence-based approaches to supporting students in need of intense intervention begin with a thorough assessment of student strengths and needs defined by the student and family.  Although this skill set can be difficult to shift into, student and family strengths are crucial as the basis for successful intervention planning. Several recent wraparound interventions in a central Illinois district point to the importance of a strengths-based approach. After a year of struggling to succeed with wraparound attempts, a social worker facilitating Tier 3 reconnected with wraparound technical assistance opportunities. This coaching helped her maximize student and family strengths in the development of individualized plans. As a result, two students (siblings) with wraparound plans have seen increased parental involvement and decreases in absences for the 2012-13 school year, with "Joe" reducing daily absences by 60% and "Beth" by 66%. In addition, since starting a daily behavior card  in September to track his classroom behaviors, Joe has met his goals for 99% of days. The increased parental involvement and attendance has set the stage for continued growth, connection, and academic success.