High School Coaches Network Meetings

Monthly Virtual Chats:

(Please note: There are no fees for these virtual network meetings)

Description: Every building has PBIS leaders. This month we will be talking about how to make the most of your PBIS leadership. Focus areas will include taking a closer look at their roles as they pertain to PBIS in the building, how each role should/could best be involved in PBIS processes, and how each is an integral part of making this work, work.

Description: “Engagement” is a topic that comes up often with our work. “How can we get our students and/or our staff to ‘buy-in’?” “How can we get family members to come to our meetings?” This month we will be talking about best practices and benefits of strong partnerships and engagement with students, staff, and family/community members. Focus areas will be exploring the importance, strategies, tools, impact, outcomes, etc. of partnering and giving a voice to students, staff, and family/community members.

Description: Systems, practices, and data are relevant at all three Tiers in the PBIS model. This month we will be taking a closer look at everything you need to know - “Tier 2”. Every district and every school reaches the Tier 2 threshold at a different time. This month, the focus will be on breaking down what you need about Tier 2 by where you are at with level of implementation.

Description: No one said that this work is easy! With the task of implementing PBIS with fidelity and attempting to get positive outcomes for youth, staff, families, and communities… often comes change! And change can be challenging! This month we will be talking about changes that can help make this work more efficient and effective. Focus areas discussed will include positive change as it pertains to changing roles, changing schedules, and changes in systems!

Description: Academics and behavior are in fact ‘friends”; and both work effectively when they are being supported by a three Tiered model of support. This month we will be talking about how academic response to intervention and behavioral response to intervention are working together (or not?) in your buildings and districts. Real school examples will be presented as a backdrop for our dialogue. Let’s talk about what is happening currently in your building with the blending/braiding of academic and behavioral RTI, and what we can do to be a part of moving this important work forward.

Description: PBIS wouldn't be what it is without “data” as one of its fundamental core features. Data is used in the PBIS model to assess student outcomes, intervention fidelity, and overall fidelity of PBIS implementation. As we end this school year and start to plan for the next year it’s important to do some action planning regarding PBIS. This month we will be talking about how to use your data to best plan for improving implementation during the next school year. Focus will be on discussion around best practices with action planning at all three Tiers.