What is Tier 2/Tier 3 PBIS?

Tier 2 Secondary/Tier 3 Interventions

(Early identification of students with Tier 2/3 needs is paramount to intervening as quickly as possible and minimizing the potential for academic or social failure. To support early identification, the Tier 2/3 model includes a Universal Screening Process where teachers are guided through identifying students most at-risk for externalizing and internalizing behaviors).

Check-In Check-Out (CICO) is a simple, small group, Tier 2 intervention that reinforces universal school-wide expectations by systematically providing a higher frequency of scheduled prompts, pre-correction, and acknowledgement to all participating students (Crone, Horner, & Hawken, 2004). A key feature of CICO is that the students themselves are initiating the positive contact with the adults. Using data for high-frequency progress-monitoring via a Daily Progress Report (DPR) is also critical component of CICO. 

Social/Academic Instructional Groups (S/AIG) are simple secondary interventions where small group instruction is used to teach specific behaviors (e.g. problem-solving skills, study skills, how to make friends) that are linked to the Tier 1 Universal expectations (e.g. Respect, Responsibility, Safety). 

Group Interventions with an Individualized Feature, are simple Tier 2 group interventions, structured similarly for all students receiving them (e.g. CICO or SAIG) but delivered with a unique characteristic such as additional check-ins, or an individualized skill instruction session. 

A Brief Function-based Behavior Plan is a simple yet individualized intervention recommended and developed by a standing Tier 2 problem-solving team trained in a brief function-based behavior intervention process. Using a simple behavior pathway, the process involves quick assessment and planning to predict and prevent the problem behavior. The resulting plan includes prompts, instruction and increased opportunities for the student to practice a desired new behavior. 

Complex Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA/BIP) is a Tier 3 practice that extends the principles of the previously described brief function-based behavior planning through a more complex process that takes additional time and data collection, including direct observation, for students who exhibit more complex behavior across multiple settings. This Tier 3 process is highly individualized and involves a team uniquely constructed for each student. 

Person Centered Wraparound, the most complex Tier 3 support, is an individualized team-based process grounded in the principle of family voice and choice (i.e., families/youth determine intervention priorities). The unique support team developed for each student includes key people in the student’s life at home, school and in the community. For older youth, the wraparound-based RENEW (Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Natural Supports, Education and Work (Malloy, Drake, Cloutier, & Couture, 2010) process focuses specifically on school engagement, employment, and post-secondary education and completion for older, transition-aged youth. 

The Tier 2/Tier 3 PBIS model was developed in response to schools’ challenges with providing effective interventions in a timely manner for students with more complex needs. The goal of this model is to ensure the timeliness and effectiveness of group and individualized interventions for all students needing additional support.  The Tier 2/3 model allows for efficiency and working smarter to support academic and social success for students at elevated risk for negative schools outcomes. 

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Tier 2/Tier 3 PBIS

This work was supported by: USDOE-OSEP Tertiary Demo Project  #H326M0060010